As is always the case when I release a new book, Almost Wrong is discounted for the first week only. Next week, the price will go up -- so be sure to grab your copy of this red-hot read TODAY!
You can get Almost Wrong here:
I've always hated Hunter Altman.
I hated him at first sight, in my teens, when my mother met his worthless father.
I hated when Bill moved in with us, dragging Hunter like bad baggage.
I hated when Mom and Bill made it official, turning the delinquent a-hole in the next room into my brand-new stepbrother.
I hated when I fell for Hunter, and Hunter fell for me.
It killed me when he left us behind, shed like dead skin on his way to the top. And now that Hunter is a hotshot music producer on every magazine cover, I hate him even more.
I hate his money. I hate his fancy toys. I hate that he thinks he owns me … or worse, that he OWES me.
I hate that he's back. That he's soiled our ghetto with his pristine suit, his fancy black limousine.
My heart hurts, I hate him so much. And it scares me that my heart might keep loving him in the end, beneath it all.
My Review
Oh So Right

This book a standalone. For people who don't need to read other books, where people are background characters, sometimes only mentioned by name &/or in a scene, then, this is a standalone! Trevor Altman, the main character, has been mentioned in every book, and according to the authors notes, this was done purposely. So, if you are like me, and like to read everything in the way intended, go to the authors website and get the list. However, you need to hurry, because as of November 1st, something Epic starts! This book is a lead into the new beginning of a series called, The Trillionaire Boys Club. #jointhesyndicate. The links for this group, previous books, and the next book, are provided, by this amazing author, Aubrey Parker, at the end of this book. Hunter Altman is a player, rich (billionaire), successful man, who has everything anyone can want, but he's a miserable lonely man, who uses alcohol and drugs to try and forget the past. Angela is a beautiful, naive woman, who works hard to take care of her mother and stepfather, even though they are not the greatest. She gave her heart away a long time ago, along with her purity. She has big dreams and aspirations, but has accepted the hand that life has dealt her. Hunter and Angela knew each other, once upon a time and when their lives collide again, will anyone, including us the reader, but especially the characters, survive the emotional impact of this author's epic writing? This is hot as sin and a must read! I always find out something in his books and this book did not let me down! I can't wait for more!
Cover Reveal for The Trillionaire Boys Club The Connector By Aubrey Parker
About The Author
All three of those elements matter. I focus on STORY because it's the "feels" that matter most, and great emotion comes from compelling stories with believable characters. (So if you like paper-thin plots, I'm not your author.)
But I also write HOT because it's how I'm wired, and I won't apologize for how I'm wired.
And lastly I write INTELLIGENT stories -- something you'll need to experience to understand. After reading my stuff, you'll either love me or decide I'm not for you. Either is cool. Different strokes for different folks, and all that.
I love to explore new places and ideas as a writer, and I have very smart and cool readers who give me permission to take my stories wherever my heart leads me.
You can find out more about me (including my reading order & how #JoinTheSyndicate) on my website at