Friday, January 6, 2017

Navy Seal Bad Boy by Eddie Cleveland is Live! My Review!




My Review of Navy Seal Bad Boy- 5 Stars
Wild World

I'm still reeling from an emotional book crash and a book hangover! This is the third book in this standalone series and my gut is telling me it's the final one. Seriously, who couldn't keep reading these military bad boy books forever?! However, I truly believe this amazing author has wrapped up this standalone series perfectly and is moving forward. I can't wait to see what Eddie Cleveland has up his sleeve for us to read in the future! With each book, I've seen him as an author grow with his  writing.  It has become even better than I could have ever imagined and more intense, and if you've read all three, you know exactly what I mean. It was great to begin with and now it's amazingly awesome! One thing that I've loved in these books, he always has a message in them!
As stated, you can read this as a standalone, but if you are like me, you will want to read the series in the order the books were written. If you read this book first, then go and read the others, you will have some spoilers. The characters from ABB, Mack and Lauren, and Jake was a secondary character in GI, since he's Cameron's younger brother. Due to this, the characters, Cameron and Chelsea as well as a few others from both books, are either mentioned or make an appearance in this book. There's also an update on these couples, so I highly recommend reading all three of these incredible books! I can't even tell you which book is my favorite, since I love them all, for different reasons! These are must reads! This one I did flove!
In this book, we pick up almost where we left off with Jake in GI. He's awaiting his punishment for what he did. He ends up having to go to rehab. Holly is on the run and wants to finally take her life back and get clean. With the help of her dad, and while looking over her shoulder, she also goes to rehab. This is where two similar yet different people collide. Both broken, both strong, both having family issues, and both using to escape their nightmares over something they couldn't control. They have an instant connection, but neither wants to really share their secret nightmares, only their dreams. However, Holly can't hide, when one secret catches up and Jake vows to protect her at all costs. Can he keep his promise to her, or will it cost one or both their lives?

My Review of Grid Iron Bad Boy- 5 Stars
An Epic Journey Through the Stars
I have written, deleted, and rewritten my review for this book a few times now. This book is amazing and I will never find the words to describe how much I love this book and how deeply it made me feel! This book is a standalone, but it's also the second book in a standalone series! The first book is included in here, or you can purchase it separately, if you do read American Bad Boy in here, please leave a review for it on its own page! Both deserve separate reviews, because they are different, they cover similar and different subjects, but the characters are in both, with different main characters being front and center! This is why and how you can read these as standalone's, but I highly recommend that you read them in the order intended! Eddie Cleveland called an emotional blitz with his book, Grid Iron Bad Boy! Cameron Armstrong served with Mack, but is now a Quarterback, playing college football for the Colorado Buffaloes. He's always wanted his father's love and approval. His father, Don, is a retired General. He seems to be more interested in his younger son, Jake's life,  than of Cameron's. This helps Cameron to want to party with the team, frat, other college students, and be a player, at the age of 30. Meanwhile, Chelsea, Lauren's older sister, is 32 and settling down with her life. Buying a townhouse, teaching 2nd grade, and accepting something for years now, that no woman ever wants to hear, let alone accept. Yet, Cameron and Chelsea have paths that keep crossing and their attraction for each other is something books are written about! That's how real, raw, intense, hot, sexy as sin, emotional and so much more, this incredible author makes you feel, while you're reading! You won't even realize that you are because you're going to think that you're there! Cameron and Chelsea's epic journey through the stars is one of a kind ! However, is it enough when both of their lives go through a major change? Can Cameron start putting Chelsea first or is he stuck in his childish ways? Can Chelsea trust in the North Star and Cassiopeia to bring him home, like the stories he told her about the stars?

My Review of American Bad Boy- 5 Stars
Amazing Book & Powerful Message- Too Many Suffer!
This book felt real! Due to the events that are real and then one's that are, but may occur differently, and the fictitious ones; this new author, Eddie Cleveland's writing is incredible! Every teenage girl who is in love, like Lauren & Mack, makes future plans! However, Mack has made his own plans & thought that Lauren would just follow. Instead, they go separate ways. A decade later, after Mack suffers more loss, he ends up back in his hometown. Lauren is also going through her own issues and has a secret. They had never forgotten the love they had for each other, but can they get through everything- past & present to have a future?
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